Wednesday, July 16, 2008

It has been awhile

I have not been online for some time. Again I will do my best to recap my past few weeks.

The week of July 4th,

Monday- Work went well, however on my way home my p.o.v died on me. I had to have it towed. When I left Monday morning I only had the clothes I was wearing and enough food for that day.

Tuesday- Tuesday my worst day of the week. What is quickly becoming the standard lately I was held up at my first stop. If anyone has ever been to BJ's in East Rutherford I am sure you can relate. They made me late for my second stop Linden, New Jersey not much to say about that stop. Then Lawrence, NY I arrived right at my appointment time only to see, two other Schneider drivers, as well as two Costco drivers, and one owner operator all waiting. This translates into me not getting unloaded for awhile. If anything good came out of this it was my normal Wed. delivery I would not be able to make due to being late getting back. As it turns out my Wed. stops did not have an order this week. I get an work assignment for Thursday for Norfolk, VA.

Wed- After my break I grab my Thursday load and head out.

Thursday- Three stops in the Norfolk, VA area. This was not my first time across the bay bridge and tunnel, but I am still amazed out how close the trucks come to the top of the tunnels.
From Elkton, MD to Norfolk going down U.S. 13 is only 200 + miles but the ride seems like an eternity.

Friday- The fourth of July. Happy Birthday America. A three day weekend. I can get use to this.