Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The pst three weeks

Well, the past three weeks have not been to eventful. I will try my best to recap them.

I have been to a few new stops, new to me anyway, Yonkers, N.Y., Gaithersburg, MD., Fredrick, MD. and a few in Pittsburgh, PA.

The trip back from the Pittsburgh was beautiful. I was on U.S. 68 in West Virginia and Maryland. What a great ride. Nice early summer drive with the windows open and nice rolling hills. It was great, I only wish I had more time to enjoy it. I would recommend this road to anyone in the spring or summer maybe even early fall. Lots of 6% down grades for 10 miles and such.

I will have some new pics to post when I can remember to bring the memory stick home. Nothing to exciting but more of my pics from the road.

Thank you to all who have viewed my blog and left comments.

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