Saturday, June 27, 2009

June 23-27

This week was a very good week for a few reasons. First, my daughter Madalynn rode with me all week. Then everything seemed to go very smooth all week. Even Tuesday went well. Maybe Madalynn was my good luck charm and that is why all went well. We will have to see if that holds true or not.
Having Madalynn with was great, her and I got to bond. We laughed a lot, talk a lot and had an around good time. She was a big help to me when she could. It was also different to have someone with me all week. Normally the only person I have to think about (food, potty breaks, sleep, etc) is me. This week I had to insure that she was taken care of as well. The toughest part I think came on the breaks when I needed to sleep and she was wide awake.
We fished twice, once in Lawrence, NY for about ten minutes. Neither one of caught anything. Then for about a half hour in Sturbridge, MA. She caught one blue gill, and me...nothing.
On Wed we stopped by Cabella's in Hartford, she was really looking forward to stopping there.
Next week should be just as nice since my son Aidan will be joining me for the week.

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