Thursday, November 20, 2008

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Long overdue update

Wow, a lot of time has past since I have added any comments to this blog. I have reached several milestones since my last update. I have reached my two year anniversary. Time has flown by in that two years. Even though I only drive in the north east region I have seen a lot and logged a lot of miles. I am very fortunate to have a driving career that allows me to be home a lot also. Another milestone that I reached and I say in a whisper as not to jinks myself, but have not had an incident in over 9 months. This has allowed me to have riders with me on the road.
My daughter who could not wait to turn 10 so she could come out on the road with me. We went on my trip up to the Boston area. We started out at 0130. She stayed awake for the first hour of the trip (exit 4 on N.J. turnpike), she woke up just as I was crossing the George Washington Bridge (the GWB). She was awake until the New England Thruway and stayed asleep until my first stop in Franklin, MA. This went on throughout the rest of the day. The only thing she did not enjoy was the 10 hour break. We did have a good time, and enjoyed the time together.
My son went with me on election day. It was supposed to be to New York City area. Instead we went to Colonial Heights, VA and California, MD. What a boring ride. He stayed awake for most of the trip. Though the ride was boring he and I still had a good time. We joked about the only thing to do in California, MD is drink, eat crabs, and play bingo. That's because that is all we saw there. I enjoyed having both of my kids out with me and look forward to having them again.

Monday, October 20, 2008

My daughter Madalynn on her first ride along.

New York citys man made water falls on the East River.

Chesapeak Bay bridge and Tunnel

New York city E-226

Basketball Hall of Fame, Springfield, MA

Yankee Stadium

More pictures

Sunrise over New York City

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

It has been awhile

I have not been online for some time. Again I will do my best to recap my past few weeks.

The week of July 4th,

Monday- Work went well, however on my way home my p.o.v died on me. I had to have it towed. When I left Monday morning I only had the clothes I was wearing and enough food for that day.

Tuesday- Tuesday my worst day of the week. What is quickly becoming the standard lately I was held up at my first stop. If anyone has ever been to BJ's in East Rutherford I am sure you can relate. They made me late for my second stop Linden, New Jersey not much to say about that stop. Then Lawrence, NY I arrived right at my appointment time only to see, two other Schneider drivers, as well as two Costco drivers, and one owner operator all waiting. This translates into me not getting unloaded for awhile. If anything good came out of this it was my normal Wed. delivery I would not be able to make due to being late getting back. As it turns out my Wed. stops did not have an order this week. I get an work assignment for Thursday for Norfolk, VA.

Wed- After my break I grab my Thursday load and head out.

Thursday- Three stops in the Norfolk, VA area. This was not my first time across the bay bridge and tunnel, but I am still amazed out how close the trucks come to the top of the tunnels.
From Elkton, MD to Norfolk going down U.S. 13 is only 200 + miles but the ride seems like an eternity.

Friday- The fourth of July. Happy Birthday America. A three day weekend. I can get use to this.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The pst three weeks

Well, the past three weeks have not been to eventful. I will try my best to recap them.

I have been to a few new stops, new to me anyway, Yonkers, N.Y., Gaithersburg, MD., Fredrick, MD. and a few in Pittsburgh, PA.

The trip back from the Pittsburgh was beautiful. I was on U.S. 68 in West Virginia and Maryland. What a great ride. Nice early summer drive with the windows open and nice rolling hills. It was great, I only wish I had more time to enjoy it. I would recommend this road to anyone in the spring or summer maybe even early fall. Lots of 6% down grades for 10 miles and such.

I will have some new pics to post when I can remember to bring the memory stick home. Nothing to exciting but more of my pics from the road.

Thank you to all who have viewed my blog and left comments.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

As I suspected pretty uneventful trip on Friday and Saturday. I made it to my stops with no problems. Friday was a great day windows open radio blaring. The only real problem is my Qual Comm has gone out on my truck so every time I arrive at or leave a stop I have to phone it in.
My trip back down early Saturday morning was not bad with the exception of the accident just seconds before I got to it on the Cross Bronx Expressway. Looked like a three or four vehicle accident, 1 car rolled over on it's roof the other two or three with minor damage. The unique thing about was there was not a soul in or around all of the vehicles. How do these unmanned vehicles get to these crash sites. I have seen it a few times when I was an EMT. Get dispatched for a crash, go to the scene and find a smashed up car or two with no a soul around.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

I was off Monday for the holiday. So I started my week off with the worst day of the week for me. I hate Tuesdays!!!! Three stops and very little tires to unload. East Rutherford, N.J., they held me 45 mins. past my appointment time before even starting my unload. Nothing new there.
Drive 30 mins. south to Linden, N.J. made it there right on time. Held up there.
Drive 1hour and a half to Lawrence, NY. Two of our other drivers were there when I pulled in, I was thinking this is not good. As it turned out I got unloaded and out pretty quickly.

I start my day as soon as my 10 hour break is up at 0330. I had only two stops today, Orange, CT., and Chicopee, MA. These are not two stops that I normally do, but should not be a problem.
As soon as I leave the warehouse I notice my truck in not acting right. I was not getting full horse power. I get to my first stop and am taken early.
The drive to the second stop is not a lot of fun with the truck acting up. I still make it there early though. I have to wait for a door to open up. While I was waiting I changed the fuel filter. Make my delivery and head back to Maryland. The fuel filter seems to have been the problem, as the truck is running much better for the ride home.

I was a stand by driver. (someone to fill in, in the event of someone calling out sick or out of hours so that we do not have a service failure)
I did not have to cover anyone elses load so had the rest of the day off.

I have 3 stops in the Boston, MA. area. I will leave out around 0130 and have to take my break up there somewhere. Usually at the TA in Willington, CT or the Pilot in Milford, CT. I should get home early Saturday.
Traffic should be a pain getting home this weekend since NASCAR is in my home town this weekend.

Monday, May 19, 2008


I went to STA in Oct. on 2006, in Carlisle, Pa. I was hired in Nov. 2006. I did my whole time with my training engineer at Carlisle, he was a local driver out of that OC. I spent about three weeks total in what I call the land of the unwanted toys, it was where you go to practice for your CDL test while waiting for CDL test date.
I am on a dedicated account and run only the north eastern portion of the country. Being on a dedicated account has some pros and cons just like anything. Things I like about are I know where I am going and how long it should take me to get there and for most places I go I know of at least two ways to get to them. I very rarely have to deal with 2nd and 3rd shift at Green Bay. I am home most nights, which is a huge plus to me.