Saturday, May 2, 2009

Latest installment

When I set this up I had hopes of updating at the very least weekly, then that turned into bi-weekly, and then monthly. I am going to try to update it at least quarterly. I have more pictures to add but don't have them here today day to do so.
Well, since my last update a lot has gone on. March did come in like a lion and out like a lamb. I am still on the same account doing mostly the same route, but I love what I do. I have most recently been bitten by the fishing bug. I now carry a small rod and some tackle in my truck and try to take my breaks someplace where I can fish. The rest stop on I-84 in Willington, CT is a great spot. The stream that runs behind it is great with lots of trout the only problem is it is fly fish only. I am learning to fly fish now. The Pilot in Strubridge, MA is another of my favorite places to fish. I have caught a large mouth bass, a blue gill, and a northern pike here. I love watching peoples reaction when you get out of the truck with your fishing tackle. Some are like why did I not think of that, others are like you have that much time on your hands to fish you should be making money. I look at it this way I have ten hours to kill I might as well do something.

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