Sunday, May 17, 2009

Quickly becoming my fishing blog

What a good week I had. Tuesday I got to my third stop very early, no second stop, they said that they could not take me before my appointment. So I went fishing. I caught one small stripper about 12 inches. That was all I had to show for three hours of fishing but still a very good time. Also anytime I can get into and out of New York without problems I am very happy.
Wednesday I made my two stops and stopped at a spot to take my break that I have been scouting out for awhile. I fished the Connecticut river for a little bit with no luck but that is ok.
Off most of Thursday. Madalynn and went fishing at a pond near our house. She caught 10 blue gills and I caught 1 very small large mouth bass.
Friday, I was held up very long at my third stop but still made it back the pilot in Sturbridge, Mass. I caught 10 blue gills, 5 crappies, 2 large mouth bass, 1 yellow perch, and a pickeral, I also caught the very rare and very elusive cb antenna cable.

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