Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Randy Moss singing autographs training camp 2009

Tom Brady opening day of 2009 training camp

More to the country outside the 13 orignial colonies

I have just driven further west than I have since I started driving a truck. I am out in Ohio now. I pulled a heavy load from the eastern shore of Maryland to Ohio. I told my boss that I wanted to be paid per shift for this trip. I down shifted and up shifted a lot on this trip. I am at the Seville OC, the only other OC I have ever been in is the Carlisle, PA OC.

The Seville OC is a nice place. I am sad that it will soon be closing. I feel bad for the people that work there that may soon be out of work or have to relocate. I hope that everything works out for all of them.

I could kick myself for not being a good trip planner. Let me explain. My load coming out to Ohio I dropped off in Groveport. Then I was to bob tail to the Seville, OC and exchange tractors there. Then I had to go to a town near Canton, Ohio for a pick up coming back east. Herein is where the kick comes in. The east bound load was not going to be ready until 8 p.m. I got to the OC around 3p.m. if I remember correctly. Does anyone know what is in Canton, Ohio? Anyone? Bueller?.....That is right the football hall of fame. Therefore, had I done a good trip plan I would have known this and waited for my load to be ready at the previously mentioned hall of fame.

I had no idea that there was more to this country then the 13 original colonies, since I mostly run the north east region.

Monday, September 21, 2009

September coming to a close

Wow! September is quickly coming to a close. Time sure does fly by unless you are on a dot break. This has to be one of my favorite times of the year. Football season is here, cool nights for better sleeping.

The new truck is running great. We are getting along well. The new route is good and bad. All for the most part is well. I will have to snap a few pictures of the new ride and post them.

Monday, August 31, 2009

trailer driver

As I sit here at the pilot in Liverpool, NY. I am reminded that I am not a truck driver but a trailer driver. After returning to my truck after getting something to eat I saw a Stevens truck had cut a turn a little short and took the bumper off an owner operator's truck. Then later a truck pulling out of a parking space took the mirror off the passenger side of another truck.

Madalynn at Gillette stadium

Silo in north western NY

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

change two and three

Well, since my last post my route has changed and my tractor has changed. I received a message a few weeks ago to go to Carlisle, PA to pick up my new power unit. First of all, let me say there was really nothing wrong with my old one and was not looking for a new one. With that been said who am I to argue. Upon arrival to Carlisle the first thing I noticed was my new unit is white and not pumpkin orange. Second thing I noticed right away is big gear shift sticking up out of the floor. Ever since I started with this company I have always had an automatic (not truly an automatic but for sake of argument lets just call it that). I was trained in standard transmission and feel very comfortable driving one (I had been asking for one every time the auto would let me down). This unit is a mid cab, that is it still has a sleeper but only a single bed, no bunk bed. The wheel base is shorter and a little less room in the sleeper area. The radio is better that is for sure. All and all I am very happy with my new power unit. Bye!!! Christine and good luck. The new truck has yet to be named, as I am waiting for it's personality to show it's self before naming this truck (last one named Christine, after the horror movie, due to the radio suddenly going very loud, and when you would try to turn down the radio would get louder).
The second change is my route changed again. My new route is Mon.- Watertown, NY, Clay NY, East Syracuse NY, Syracuse NY, Geneva NY, and Auburn NY. Wed.- Newark, DE, and Dover, DE. Thurs.- Everett MA, Danvers MA, Danvers MA, Salem NH, Stoughton MA, Stoneham MA, and Medford MA.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Changes are here

My route did change and I have run it now for two weeks. My pay is less than what I was getting before however, I should get home on Fridays now. I will also try to get extra work when I can. My new route is the same for Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday I leave Elkton around 2300 go to Nashua, NH then three stops in Mass. Break then 1 stop Friday morning in Mass. then fight traffic all the way home.

The week ending Aug. 2 was a very good week. I took Aidan with me Wednesday and we took our break around Gillette Stadium. We went to the afternoon practices for the Patriots. (pictures to come later). He got a autograph from one of the players. Over all we had a great time. The five mile walk from the truck stop to the stadium was not fun. Other than that it was very cool.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Changes are a coming

Well, after almost three years of running the same route, my route is changing starting next week. In order to better serve our customer the changes were needed. As with everything there are pros and cons to the changes. I will no longer be going to Torrington, CT., Greenfield, MA., Franklin, MA., Stoughton, MA., or Stoneham, MA. Most of these stores I enjoyed going to. The were all had easy going people and when the could would get me in and out with no problems. I will not miss some of the backing at some of these stores though.
I will have to wait and see how the new stores are I start them this week. Stay tuned for more.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Aidan at Gillette Stadium and Cabela's

June 29- July 3

What a great week. My son, Aidan, joined me all week this week. We had a very good time. I enjoyed the one on one time with him. The highlight of the week was on Friday when we went to Gillette Stadium. They have a very fan friendly area that was not very expensive and very informative. We also walked around Patriot Place and the Bass Pro shop. That was the largest Bass Pro shop I have ever been in.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Madalynn at Cabela's Hartford, Conn

Madalynn fishing in Lawrence, NY

June 23-27

This week was a very good week for a few reasons. First, my daughter Madalynn rode with me all week. Then everything seemed to go very smooth all week. Even Tuesday went well. Maybe Madalynn was my good luck charm and that is why all went well. We will have to see if that holds true or not.
Having Madalynn with was great, her and I got to bond. We laughed a lot, talk a lot and had an around good time. She was a big help to me when she could. It was also different to have someone with me all week. Normally the only person I have to think about (food, potty breaks, sleep, etc) is me. This week I had to insure that she was taken care of as well. The toughest part I think came on the breaks when I needed to sleep and she was wide awake.
We fished twice, once in Lawrence, NY for about ten minutes. Neither one of caught anything. Then for about a half hour in Sturbridge, MA. She caught one blue gill, and me...nothing.
On Wed we stopped by Cabella's in Hartford, she was really looking forward to stopping there.
Next week should be just as nice since my son Aidan will be joining me for the week.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Crashed straight truck NJ turnpike

June 8-13 2009

This week for the most part was a good one. Of course there is my Tuesday run to E. Rutherford, I was held up for two hours past my appointment time. It is a good thing I did not have a second stop today. I made it Lawrence, NY on time and even got out of there a decent time.
Friday I could not wait to get up to Sturbridge, MA to fish again. I was hoping to catch that large mouth bass again, or maybe his bigger brother. I did not catch any big fish but caught allot of little fish. I also ran into a few of Carlisle's old instructors up there, one was my simulator instructor.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

And you think I have a big mouth!!!

Are you checking out my bass?

Yellow perch caught at Pilot, Sturbridge, MA

June 1-6

This week was a good week.

Mon.- I had another driver ride with me today, to learn how we throw the tires. He got to see my customer service skills first hand. I know the tire center guy and the auditor well and always crack jokes on and with these guys. So I am sure the other driver was thinking I was lacking in customer service. Pedro, the tire guy, actually gave me a couple of fishing poles he did not need or want anymore.

Tues.- No E. Rutherford (yeah!) I barley stopped at Linden the only had a few tires. I made it to Lawrence early. I was taken a little late and did not get back to Elkton until 1700. Later then I would like but should not be late for my Wed. trip. At least I am not staying in Lawrence tonight.

Wed.- No problems as always today. I slept almost my whole break.

Thurs.- I am normally off on Thursdays but filled in today for someone. 3 stops, Conshehocken, PA, Princeton, NJ, and Fairless Hills, PA. All went well.

Fri.- In and out of 3 stops with no problems. I did not have my waders with me so I did not fly fish.
I stopped at the Pilot in Sturbridge, MA to take my break and fish. I caught two small yellow perch and one good size large mouth bass.

Sat.- On the way back down to Elkton I remembered that it was National Guard weekend for my old unit, 166th Airlift wing New Castle, DE., so I thought it would be funny to stop and fish at a pond at the entrance to my old base as everyone was arriving for drill. It did have the desired effect. I caught two little large mouth bass and one that was very large but was unable to land him, as I went to pick him up out of the water he shook the hook out and swam away.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Hosed again!

Memorial Day was this past Monday. While I did enjoy having an additional day off I hate starting my week off on a Tuesday. Tuesday is my worst day of the week. This Tuesday lived up to my expectations.
I got to my first stop (BJ's E. Rutherford, NJ) 0715 for a 0745 appointment. I was not given a door assignment until 1030, I did not leave for my second stop until 1130. Needless to say I was late for my 0930 in Linden, NJ. Out of there around 1300,
I made it to my third stop (Costco Lawrence, NY) by 1400 for a 1200 appointment. I took my break here again. The tide was out and rainy so no fishing either.
The rest of my week was the same old, same old.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Woburn, MA ladder-1

1 0f the 7 sea robins I caught in Lawrence, NY

Stripper I caught in Lawrence, NY

The week of May18-23

Mon- No problems.

Tues.- I had four stops today one more than usual. My first stop was in Mt. Laural, NJ. If you have ever been on the New Jersey Turnpike or 295 in New Jersey you have been in Mt. Laural. Mt. Laural is where the bridge from a U.S. navy ship can been seen from those roads. It looks odd because the is no water to speak of and it is just the bridge of the ship. The first three stops went well, I even made to Lawrence, NY 45 minutes early. When I pulled in and saw four other trucks waiting I knew I was in trouble. Did not get a door until an hour and a half after my appointment time. So I went fishing. I caught one Sea Robin. After unloading I realized I would not have enough hours to make back to Elkton, so I stayed in Lawrence to take my break. I fished some more and caught 6 more sea robins, and a 20 inch stripper. Of the five people fishing there I was the only one that caught anything.

Wed.- I had to drive back to Elkton from Lawrence. I dropped off my empty trailer and picked up my loading going to Connecticut, and Mass. and drive back up the turnpike. When I did get to my break I slept the whole time.

Thurs.- Once I got back to Elkton I was off the rest of the day.

Fri.- My normal 3 stops near Boston. I got to the rest stop on I-84 in Conn. and went fly fishing. I finally caught a small Brook trout on a fly.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Quickly becoming my fishing blog

What a good week I had. Tuesday I got to my third stop very early, no second stop, they said that they could not take me before my appointment. So I went fishing. I caught one small stripper about 12 inches. That was all I had to show for three hours of fishing but still a very good time. Also anytime I can get into and out of New York without problems I am very happy.
Wednesday I made my two stops and stopped at a spot to take my break that I have been scouting out for awhile. I fished the Connecticut river for a little bit with no luck but that is ok.
Off most of Thursday. Madalynn and went fishing at a pond near our house. She caught 10 blue gills and I caught 1 very small large mouth bass.
Friday, I was held up very long at my third stop but still made it back the pilot in Sturbridge, Mass. I caught 10 blue gills, 5 crappies, 2 large mouth bass, 1 yellow perch, and a pickeral, I also caught the very rare and very elusive cb antenna cable.

"Say Hello to my little friend" Pickeral caught in the pond at the Pilot in Sturbridge, Mass.

Accident in New Jersey

2nd view from the French king bridge

View from the French king bridge in Orange, Mass

I-91 in Mass.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Latest installment

When I set this up I had hopes of updating at the very least weekly, then that turned into bi-weekly, and then monthly. I am going to try to update it at least quarterly. I have more pictures to add but don't have them here today day to do so.
Well, since my last update a lot has gone on. March did come in like a lion and out like a lamb. I am still on the same account doing mostly the same route, but I love what I do. I have most recently been bitten by the fishing bug. I now carry a small rod and some tackle in my truck and try to take my breaks someplace where I can fish. The rest stop on I-84 in Willington, CT is a great spot. The stream that runs behind it is great with lots of trout the only problem is it is fly fish only. I am learning to fly fish now. The Pilot in Strubridge, MA is another of my favorite places to fish. I have caught a large mouth bass, a blue gill, and a northern pike here. I love watching peoples reaction when you get out of the truck with your fishing tackle. Some are like why did I not think of that, others are like you have that much time on your hands to fish you should be making money. I look at it this way I have ten hours to kill I might as well do something.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Winter, is almost over, thank goodness. Everything is, and has been going well since my last post. Last week my normal stops did not have any deliveries so I had to run a few drop and hooks. I had not done what I call, "normal truck driving stuff", since me T.E. time. I pulled several very heavy loads I thought my truck was going to die it was not use to that. Speaking about weights when I was leaving my pick up point they weighed my truck and asked if I was ok with the weights. I had to think about it, I know the g.v.w can not be more than 80,000 lbs. But had to pause a few seconds to remember my axle weights. When I got to the drop off area and had to pick up an empty, I had forgotten what a pain in the rear trailer searches are. I have become so spoiled doing what I do. I am glad I got to do something different for a change. It was good for me to do that stuff to remind me that I am very lucky and thankful for what I do on a daily and weekly basis.

Monday, January 5, 2009